MOCHI LOTTERY EVENT | Nov 8th — Nov 14th

2 min readNov 8, 2021

The 2nd week of MOMA Lottery has also ended.

As promised, we will add some extra rewards at the next MOMA lottery event. The 3rd one will be held next week (Nov 8th to Nov 14th).
As usual, all of you, MOMA holders, farmers, stakers, buyers and sellers, will be auto included.

How to gain tickets?

Step 1: You will get 1 per 1000 MOMA held (staked + in lp + claimable + harvestable + locked farm reward) — use to check your holdings

Step 2: You will get 1 per 1000 MOMA worth of sales/buys of featured NFTs (example: 2 buys for 500 MOMA and one sell for 1000 equals 2 chances)

Step 3: You will get 10 per each MOCHI SUPERHERO COLLECTION NFT held

You can just hold, but you can also sell/buy NFTs: Kryptomon, Dragon Warriors, and other featured collections.

Each ticket gives you a bigger odds to be one of the winners of 1000 MOMA.

For example: if you have 100 tickets, and there are 1000 tickets in total among participants, you will have a 100/1000 chance of winning (10%)

Additional rules

  • One address can only win once per week.
  • Only the MOMA in BSC and MATIC networks will be counted.
  • The chance counter will reset each week.
  • The event will be hosted each week until canceled.
  • For MOMA holdings and MOCHI Superheroes collections: a snapshot will be taken at a random point of the week.

We would like to give some extra special gifts as gratitude to all MOMA holders, farmers, stakers, buyers and sellers.

💎 500 $MOMA for 10 Wallets

💎 1 Kryptomon NFT for ONLY 1 Wallet

Follow the above instruction and grab your chance to earn prize now Mochians!




Mochi.Market is the multi-chain decentralized exchange ecosystem for NFTs